The Powerful of Grateful
Some people sometime forgot of what Allah Azza wa Jall has given em by saying ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ praise be to God. The food we are eating is not what you think we have earned through our hardwork and all the efforts we have worked. It is simply because of Allah has given us because we deserve it. Other people want to eat a good food yet they still can’t afford it after doing a lot of efforts and hardwork, Allah Azza wa Jall knows the best for us.
If we still cannot get something after we have worked through hardwork, lot of efforts even we have asked through a lot of dua, that doesn’t mean Allah doesn’t hear and give us. It is because of Allah knows what’s best for us, since Allah Azza wa Jall gives us what we need, not what we want. We should be grateful for that.
Another people think they earned a lot of money because they deserve it. Please remind in ourselves that it’s not because of our hardwork, it’s because Allah has chosen and given us. If we’re still wondering why, let’s go back to the Qorun story. And if you still don’t believe this, let the Judgment day answer.
Some people with 2 million rupiah income per month is enough for their monthly needs with their peaceful mind and know that this is the best thing Allah has given em while some other people with 20 million rupiah still think their income is not enough to fulfill their needs with their uneasy thought bothering them, simply because they’re not grateful to Allah Azza wa Jall of what they get. Please remind to ourselves that we live in this world for a while. Enjoy and grateful of what Allah gave us until Jannah awaits you Insyaa Allah. Wallahua’lam bishawab. Allah knows the best for all of us.
Last update : Posted by : Ion Orion Sugiarmawan Tags : Blog, Self-Thought