A Good Move from MacOS

A Good Move from MacOS

This thing is available under their website for each app, a good thing to be added in terms of privacy concern whether the app is collecting your data or not. And yes, it’s on their website called App privacy. Here’s a bit on their website.

Data collection

The purpose of the label is to help your customers understand what data is collected from your app and how it is used. To complete that, you’ll need to know the types of data that you and/or your third-party partners collect from your app before answering the questions in App Store Connect. Keep in mind that even if you collect the data for reasons other than analytics or advertising, it still needs to be declared. For example, if you collect data solely for the purpose of app functionality, declare the data on your label and indicate that it is only being used for that purpose. “Collect” refers to transmitting data off the device in a way that allows you and/or your third-party partners to access it for a period longer than what is necessary to service the transmitted request in real time. “Third-party partners” refers to analytics tools, advertising networks, third-party SDKs, or other external vendors whose code you’ve added to your app.

Last update : Tags : Privacy A Good Move from MacOS