To Those Complaining About Poverty and Hardship!
- A reminder for me to always be grateful to Allah Azza wa Jalla for a healthy body, eyes to see, and ears to listen.
Ghassaan bin al-Mufaddal al-Ghulaabee said:
حدثني بعض أصحابنا قال جاء رجل إلى يونس بن عبيد فشكا إليه ضيقا من حاله ومعاشه واغتماما بذلك فقال أيسرك ببصرك مئة ألف قال لا قال فبسمعك قال لا قال فبلسانك قال لا قال فبعقلك قال لا في خلال وذكره نعم الله عليه ثم قال يونس أرى لك مئين ألوفا وأنت تشكو الحاجة" “Some of our associates narrated to me that a man came to Yunus bin Ubayd (d. 139H) and complained of the hardship he was going through in his livelihood and of his anxiety because of it. So he said (to him), “Would you be happy to give up your eyesight for a hundred thousand (dinars, dirhams)?” He said, “No.” He said, “Then what about your hearing?” He said, “No.” He said, “Then what about your tongue?” He said, “No.” He said, “Then what about your aql (intellect)?” He said, “No, [not] for any wants, needs.” Then he reminded him of the favours of Allaah upon him after which he, Yunus, said, “I see that you have hundreds of thousands of (dinars, dirhams) yet you are complaining of need!” 1 2
Last update : Posted by : Ion Orion Sugiarmawan Tags : Fiqh, Akhlaq