The Freemasons Effects & Ideologies
- The Freemasons by Shaikh Al-Albani رحمه الله
Questioner :
We know that Islam has many enemies and from them, the Freemasons
Shaikh Al-Albani رحمه الله :
Questioner :
Can Our Shaikh speaks about them, their methods, ideologies and the extent of their effect and danger that they pose to our Islam. May Allah reward you
Shaikh Al-Albani رحمه الله :
It doesn’t concern me at all to speak about The Freemasons, Baathists, Socialist or any other organization, whether it be an open (organization) or a secret one like The Freemasons. It is not really upon us to speak about them in detail, because we believe that all organizations whether they be open or secret do not want good for Islam. As for The Freemasons, then it is a secret Jewish organization which works by (utilizing) intense plotting. In certain circumstances The Freemasons were able to make some Islamic personalities join them. That is because (The Freemasons) feign to the people that they don’t oppose the religion whatsoever, as they say with us in Sham: “everyone who is upon his own religion, Allah will aid him”
They only pretend to be a charity organization who aid and help each other in affairs that are only connected to ones material life. But the reality is they plot and as Allah says: وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ they were plotting, and Allah is The Best of those who plot. 1
Just as it is not permissible for a Muslim to be a Socialist, Baathist or a Communist, then the same way it is not permissible for (a Muslim) to be a Freemasons. Because those that oversee all of these political parties and organizations/clubs/societies have nothing to do with Islam. This speech is suffiecient for a Muslim.
As for delving into details, then this is a historical matter, for which a Muslim can return back to the books and treaties that have been authored clarifying the disgraceful acts and tribulations that result because of The Freemasons. I don’t rule out the fact that the enormous trials and tribulations which we are living through in these times in the Islamic world generally and the Arab world specifically. (I don’t rule out the fact that the trials & tribulations) are not except the actions of the Jewish Freemasons in all of the world.
Audio source & translation: Shaikh Al-Albani Speaks About a Secret Jewish Organization: The Freemasons 2
Last update : Posted by : Ion Orion Sugiarmawan Tags : Aqeedah, Tawheed